Thrift Whore Thursday

What the Fluff is going on???

A pic of a thrift store shelf with copious amounts of Fluff on shelf OK Goodwill, message received: y'all scored a giant donation of Marshmallow Fluff! So much that I've now seen copious amounts in four different stores throughout NYC...this is getting gross, y' one has more of a tolerance for questionable thrift than a Thrift Whore like myself, but even I have standards...dump this shiot, Goodwill and make room for the goodies we really want! Damn...

It's Thursday & You know what to do!

Thrift Whores...Goodwill delivers, again!!! Hopefully one of y'all will find it in your hearts to give these kitties a loving home:


This glass set could do some damage, dripping in all that gold:


Copper cookware is serving IT:



Well, look at this little bamboo trimmed baby, just waiting to be made over!


And just when y'all think the whoring has been gettin' all tame & shiot, I'm serving you this plaster disaster:


Isn't it amazing how the pupil of the eye is in the shape of a heart!?! THAT's true love y'all, even with that angry ass eyebrow that looks ready to kill! Happy whoring, y'all!!!

It's time...Thrift Whores...

For some HOT Before and After action up in this 'dazzle, what...THRIFT WHORE THURSDAY!?!This thrift store armoire was scored for a client while out whoring weeks ago:

An image of an armoire from the Salvation Army

Don't be shy babydoll, we need to see the goods:

Interior pic of a thrift store armoire

Here's where we are today:

AFTER shot of the thrift store armoire


Another AFTER shot of the thrift store armoire

YES, y'all! This armoire has been totally tricked out: new paint job, drawers lined in pink felt, custom mirror added to the inside back topped off with some interior lighting chic-ness!

A pic of the interior of the repurposed armoire into bar

A close up shot of drawers lined in pink felt

Birdseye view of armoire turned into bar

The client is just thrilled beyond belief with how this turned out and so am I...just goes to show y'all what some good honest thrift whoring can do for your lives...happy whoring!

The day the Thrift Whores come out!

Thursdays are always such a treat around here! Especially when I've been out whoring for thrift. This week was even more treat-ful b/c I was accompanied by one of my nearest and dearest, Alane...a.k.a., Tae...we hit the local Housing Works, just in the nick of time too...look at the scene out in front of this place:


Damn! These whores are just ravaging those bins, y'all!!! Get IT! Why? Some sort of Fall sale--- there's a purple sign in the window that's partially blocked by a man's head, but it reads, 'Fall'...

Anyway, seasonal sales tend to set a special blend of frenzy in folks that your average every day sale situation can't touch...and as a Thrift Whore, I'm not immune either, folks...not at all! And throw in this metal bed frame and it's full-on manic panic:


Believe it or not, this baby is metal under all that brown blah...on wheels...and that rounded footboard is just slaying me with style! I don't need a bedframe, but at $20, I can't NOT buy this biotch...imagine how AMAZING she'll look when she's stripped down to bare metal...yum! The mirror is just as 'licious, but she's an ambitious $75, so she's gettin' left behind... There wasn't much else in the store to shake a stick at, sadly, but you know true commitment to the whore-ery when we forced that bedframe into Tae's 1984 Mercedes...that's a leg hanging out of the trunk with a pink scarf tied on for 'safety'...happy whoring, y'all:


Thrift Whores get some Cure, it's Thursday!!!

Ready, set...thrift! Exterior pic of Cure Thrift store

Friendly folks welcoming you first thing is ALWAYS a good sign that you're about to have a g-o-o-o-o-o-d time, if y'all know what I'm sayin'...damn, take me there, Cure:

Y'all, here's another ensemble that I'd like to take home, AS IS:

Pic of an orange dresser and abstract art above it

Full on style slapped, slain and soiled situation:

A yarn art tiger and smiley faced mannequin with hat

I need to take a seat after that last bit...this'll do nicely:

Mid century green upholstered chair with wood trim

Here's a workhorse piece that is ready to WORK y'all as a bar, entertainment center, buffet:

Please chic-ify your firebox with these, biotch:

Image of two owl andirons


Am image of an upside down mannequin leg with hoisery

Exactly why y'all should NEVER go barefoot in NYC...her stockings are just RUIN'T!!!

LOVE this idea:

A pic of a bike rim turned into a mirror hanging on a wall

Happy whoring, y'all!!!

Whore, Brought-en!

Today's whoring was a major score:


Mid-century light fixture realness!!! Holla! This one is surely coming home with me, oh la la!

Look at the other goodies that Housing Works was working us over with:


A rustic coffee table trunk with a brass chandelier on top, thankyouverymuch!!! Biotch! Tennis, anyone?


Hand thrown pottery:


Don't y'all have that housewarming party to get to? Well, then, by all means...take this chic, smoke glass tumbler set & be damn done with it, already:


Yes, yes, that silver vase might just do the trick too!!! All sorts of whoring satisfaction today y'all...happy joy joy!

Are you a T.W.?

Do you suffer from being a T.W.? Are you constantly trolling neighborhoods looking for your next score? Seeking gratification and fulfillment from some poor lost soul, who, you just know will be the perfect fix...even though your friends and family and EVEN strangers keep telling you to're out of control? Well, then biotch...OWN that shiot, 'cause you're nothing but a Thrift Whore and today is YOUR day!!!! Thrift Whore Thursday, y'all! I stumbled upon this little gem on 5th Ave in Bklyn, called Bnai Tekuhnah Thrift Shop (um, I'm sorry...what? Who?):


Love that their sign specifies "Cloth/Furniture"...y'all know I like me some good Cloth!

Look what else is good here:


As evidenced by the storefront shot, it was raining like hell outside when I paid a visit to this place...and inside, it was a deluge of creepy ass Victoriana dolls, lined up on a ledge-- damn!


Y'all, this might be hard to see clearly, but it's some kind of primitive wagon /carriage light fixture straight off the Pony Express, no doubt, (so, naturally it wound up at Bnai Thrift Shop)! But, can it be resuscitated with some paint in a fun color?


These lovely gals are jumping off the shelf with color!!! Slap them both with some chic drum shades in white or linen and just shut the fu$& you, already!!! Cloth!


PANDA! if it's got a panda on it, just buy that shiot, y'all, don't even ask...

Tenderness abounded within upon seeing this and I knew that some how, some way, ALL would be alright in the world...that I, PJ, am a THRIFT WHORE...and I'm OK with that...happy whoring, y'all!:


And Cloth!

Hot Thrift Whore Action!!!

Trust that I've not forgotten what day it is, Dazzlers! No no! But I must confess this week's Trift Whore Thursday is a little different than the usual shenanigans...I stumbled upon this little man in my local Salvation Army for $69! HOT!:An image of an armoire from the Salvation Army Damn! It just so happens that I'm working on a new interiors project where I'm in need of some additional dining room storage. Now, most folks wouldn't look upon this armoire as something that could do much for a dining room, but hear me out, y'all after you get a peek at what's happening inside:

Interior pic of a thrift store armoire

This dude has drawers for days! And that giant open space is just begging to become a bar! YES! With the easy addition of a mirror glued in back, some under mount lighting and some spray paint-- what damn time are drinks SERVED?! Yesterday, whores!

Y'all, I see these types of armoires ALL THE TIME when I'm out Thrift Whoring...they're like workhorses that you can customize for any function...and they're most often dirt cheap, so with some TLC and a little creativity, you can get a one-of-a-kind piece for minimal $$$. I love that this armoire has all this amazing wood pattern detailing on the adds to the character, and again, when this is painted out in one color, it's going to look stunning. The drawers are just amazing as is, for obvious reasons...who in hell doesn't have a drawer they can't fill, so my client is gonna j'adore having four in this baby...Another great feature with armoires is that when you don't want to look at all that stuff anymore, you just close it away and you're left with this clean, chic, self-contained jewel box!

So stay tuned y'all, for the transformation of this Thrift Whore score into a amazing style slap! And happy whoring!

Thrift Whore-ery

Commence,'s Thursday! 20120809-153056.jpg

She's a bit murky, y'all-- what with acid rain being what it is & snow caps melting, but give her a good shake & you can almost hear them singing your favorite Christmas Carol:

20120809-145151.jpg Rum pa pa pum...put that shiot on the mantle already! Oh, and don't forget me, I'd make a great gift ANY time of year: 20120809-150247.jpg

More weave, more value:


Kitschy clock could slay y'all painted in a fun color:


Um, bless this hot tranny terry-cloth mess:


I really don't know what's happening she in maternity wear? Moo moo caftan priestess? Rose court?


Whole Foods ain't got nothin' on this Goodwill...oh, AGAIN w/the Fluff?


45's are always dear friend Alane makes amazing artwork out of them, drilling holes on all four sides and connecting them with rings! Could be awesome room divider:

20120809-152000.jpg Lastly, learn how-to nourish your children with more than just food:


Savor, y'all!

Thrift Whores, it's Thursday!!!

Get a load of all this yummy from my local Salvation Army, it's on Thrift Whores! An image of the housewares shelves at the local Salvation Army

A close up image of more shelves in the my local Salvation Army

Concern turned into pure joy upon spotting this:

Value weave...YES! Of course, she was nestled inside this box of potentially glamorous china...naturally:

Camerooooooooooon! Regalia!

Cameroooooon! Regal Real!

Equestrian Ecstasy Experientia:

Disa up in the house, y'all...what! what!

This is for my girl, Disa! What! What!

The sun has officially come OUT today with this:

Don't forget to scavenge through the fabric/towel/bedding areas y'all...there's goodness to be found for all kinds of d.i.y. this granny gone chic bedspread, which slayed me on the spot:

Consider this Thrift Whore Thursday a success! Happy whoring, y'all!

Hello Thrift Whores...It's Thursday!!!

While out on a recent style hunt, I stopped into this gem of a thrift store, called Life Boutique Thrift, in Park Slope, Brooklyn: Pic of Life Boutique store exterior shot

Ok, maybe it's called Life Boutique-N-Thrift? Hmmm...

A close-up exterior shot of Life Boutique-N-Thrift in Brooklyn, NY

Well, whatever in hell it's called, get my back, biotches...I'm goin' in!

And brace y'all-selves for the situation I've just stumbled upon:

A ceramic bust of a girl reading and an 80's side table...

Glorious 80's side table realness partnered with a bust of a woman reading! Oh, Tangy! This one here just needs some polish and some chic chandelier shades and she'll be ready to SERVE y'all full-on style...

A picture of a chandelier in need of some TLC

And don't overlook Ms. Hollywood Regency here who's convincing y'all that she deserves a spot in your house...

A tole metalware chandelier from Life Boutique Thrift store

A beagle sniffs out a bulldog statue in the thrift store

This incredible mid-century footed glass style slapped me at the check-out counter, when I was told it was half-off the sticker price! Guess who bought three more to make it a 4-set?!

Footed glassware from thrift store

So I grabbed even more glassware from the half-off hideout:

Image of three colored glasses from thrift store

And this precious Grandbaby is actually a kitsh-chen timer, y'all....oh $1.00 ecstasy...she was half-off too:

A pic of a plastic kitchen timer shaped like a teacup

Y'all, this week's thrift whoring has worked me over...just the way I like it! Savor IT! The staff at Life Boutique was super friendly and really helpful..they even brought out water for Brandon! Precious dollbabies! The best part is the store is chock full of awesome treasure waiting to be discovered...go out and get your thrift whore on already!

Happy Thrift Whore Thursday, y'all!

An exterior pic of the local HousingWorks Thrift store HousingWorks has worked me OVER with these stylish goodies:

A pic of framed vintage yarn art from the thrift store

A pic of the price tag on a wooden framed piece of artwork

But WAIT, there's more... Pic of a cherry blossom wall sculpture from thrift store And what do I spy hiding out under here, hmmmm? Well, for $2, whatever the hell it is, it's also coming home with, y'all this is what being a Thrift Whore is all about-- fast, chic, cheap style! Yummy! Now go out and get your hunt on, Whores!