Little Thrift Whore Lovin'

Ok, Thrift Whores, it's been a while, but TRUST that y'all haven't been forgotten! It's been a helluva past couple weeks, to say the least...and I haven't been able to do my usual full-on whoring, but here's a few 'licious little nuggets:


Well, y'all, look who got all dolled-up at this Goodwill? She's even got a hole in her dress for easy plant?! Yeah, y'all...a PLANT, that's it...

Not really certain what in hell is happening here, but it looks difficult:


And the award for 'Most inventive way to re-purpose your wedding cake topper' goes to...


Going out on a limb here and guessing that couple is no longer together? Happy whoring, y'all!!!