easy diy painting for frames

It's ON: MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Painting Party!

Woo-hoo! It's 12p EST and y'all know what THAT means? It's par-tay paint time! MyColor inspired by Pantone paints

Welcome to the MyColor inspired by Pantone painting party! Let's GET this! To review: there are a group of awesome diy blogger dynamos, including yours truly, who have all done up some projects using My Color inspired by Pantone paint. Expect to be inspired (duh), mesmerized...titillated even...by paint! Uh huh! Y'all could even win stuff! OH! And maybe, just maybe, today's the day y'all are gonna finally have your decorating destinies fulfilled, not only here on Blog-A-Dazzle...oh, no, y'all...you're embarking on a full-on painting treasure hunt, today! YES!

See, after you experience what I've got to share, you'll click on over to Cassie, at Primitive and Proper blog, who will beguile y'all with her paint magic! Here's the complete list in order:

Courtney @ A Thoughtful Place *Go Back to the Beginning!* PJ @ Blog-A-Dazzle *You Are Here!* Cassie @ Primitive and Proper *Continue to this Blog Next!* Holly @ Life in the Fun Lane Angela @ Number Fifty-Three Heather @ Paper Princess Studio

But first, I'm gettin' all kinds of diy dirty up in here with My Color inspired by Pantone Paint, 'cause that's just how I roller-on my parties (pun intended!) Oh shiot!:

I'd been given these three amazing graphic popsicle art prints from the amazing designer & illustrator, Erin Wengrovius, a while ago:

Popsicle art prints BEFORE framing painting project

Y'all can score some of her work right here.

I've always had the best intentions to have them framed in some 'licious way, but y'all know how easy it is to blow out your decorating budget with custom framing...am I right? So, when asked to participate in this event, I knew just what I wanted to tackle: frame these lovelies!!! What's that got to do with paint? Well...

When framing, I love to take my color cues for my frame choice right off the artwork that's being framed and then sass up the whole situation even more by surrounding artwork with a thick white mat-- yummy! I also j'adore the idea of contrasting subject matter in the artwork with the frame type, like my modern & poppy art prints, paired with frames that look like this:

BEFORE shots of janky frames

I scored these ornate-y frames for value dollars at thrift stores and flea markets. They're all kinds of janky-- some chips & dings, one was missing glass, but they're giving us all kinds of gilded glam that will contrast perfectly with clean & modern art prints.

Detail corner of janky frame with chip out of it

The real icing on the cake starts oozing when I paint each one of them in a different coordinating color from My Color inspired by Pantone paint! Paired with the white mats, these sweet treats are gonna style-slap y'all with bright bold painted frame realness!!! Paint biotch!

FIRST: With either your artwork or measurements of your artwork in tow, troll area thrift stores, flea markets or other fun places you know that could yield used frame bounty. Each of my three frames were less than $15, so go dig up your own value!

SECOND: Take both your artwork AND your "new" frames to your local art frame shop. Have them cut mats for your artwork to fit into the frames you're providing in the color you choose. I almost always choose white, single mats. Prints Charming in Brooklyn is my go-to spot for these types of projects, they're awesome! (Note: Avoid drama here by calling ahead to your frame place to confirm they'll do this service for you. Most locally owned shops allow you to bring in your own frames, but there are some that prefer you purchase frames from them. By just purchasing mats and having them customized you are saving a small fortune with this step. Another great note: The frame you find doesn't have glass? Most frame shops offer glass for frames for dirt cheap, so GRAB it!)

Popsicle art with mats inside janky frames

THIRD: Prep frames for painting. Remove backing and glass. Clean frames. Once dry, paint frames in desired colors.

Ready to paint!

Depending upon the original color and finish of your frame, expect it to take two to three coats. Allow to dry between coats and before next step. For reference, the colors I used were: Tangerine Tango for the orange creamsicle art, Dandelion for the rainbow popsicle and Blithe for the rocket pop.

Painting the first coat

FOURTH: Reassemble frames by carefully inserting glass, your artwork with new mat and secure in back of frame. Now, go rock yo walls with your new artwork, y'all!!!

So as you can see, my mis-matched ornate-mess frames turned out stunning when style-slapped with bright poppy paint that matches the art within. How hot is that y'all? Tangy!

BUT WAIT, there's more: If y'all want to win a sample of MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® for y'all-selves, just comment on my post (you'll have up to a week from today to do so for y'all lazy a$$ skanks) and share how you’d use MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® in your next project or your life! Feel free to comment on the other blogs in the party too – they’ll all be giving away samples-- oh my, y'all, that's 5 potential samples! For a second chance to win, tweet your project ideas to @MyColorPaints using hashtag #PassItOn. Also check out and like the MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Facebook page to get access to the schedule for today’s parties as well as the rest of the parties going on this month! Share your project ideas there for one more chance to win!

And don't forget to continue your DIY Painting Party journey with my fellow Par-tay bloggers. Next stop on this party bus is with Cassie at Primitive and Proper. Happy paint party!

Painting Party success!

Dazzle Disclaimer, y'all: MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® reached out to me to participate in the MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® Painting Party. My post represents my honest experience with MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® paint. I am not being paid for my answers, but I did receive MyColor™ inspired by Pantone® paint to use for this project.