Totally Tubular Time Machine

I'm getting back onstage...through a Time Machine!!!

Y'all, I'm just beyond delighted to share that through a really twisted, yet divine, turn of events I am dusting off my make-up kit and getting back on the stage! YES! (Some of you Dazzlers may not know, but before all my decorating & styling hilarities, I used to be a full-time actor-- it's the reason I moved to NYC in the first place!) The show is a pop musical experience called, Totally Tubular Time Machine Graphic for pop musical Totally Tubular Time Machine

It's being billed as, "New York City's only interactive, intergalactic, pop music experience!" Also, it's a "reality based pop musical that you to time travel and party up-close and personal with a cast of 'celebrity' pop stars (past and present) performing live: Madonna, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, etc." And many more:

Shot of actors portraying pop stars in Totally Tubular Time Machine

Aptly, I am playing the Queen of the Decades-- which trust, is a REAL stretch, y'all-- who's kinda like the emcee of this whole situation-- and I am having an absolute BLAST!!! (This also explains my total skank-ness for being MIA the entire week.....sorry!) The show has a soft open tonight at Culture Club, and will be running Saturdays at 8:00 PM...check the TTTM website (link above) for ticket and more show info. and get yo asses to this's hysterical and everyone in it is absolutely inFU&%ingcredible!!!WERK!!!